English_ Ecuador Megadiverse contry and Multicultural


Why is Ecuador a megadiverse country?
It is considered a megadiverse country since it has four natural regions with different climates
and due to this there are many cultures throughout the country and there are even many 
unique species in each region.
When Ecuador is declared a megadiverse country?
Quito (09-15-2014) Megadiverse and beautiful, Ecuador is recognized worldwide for its 
richness and variety in terms of plants and animals that it has per square meter. Thanks to its
location in the center of the world, 
Ecuador A Megadiverse Country
It is considered a mega diverse country for the variety of flora and fauna, in addition to the
tourist places it has, it even has several climates because it is between the equinoctial line.
What makes Ecuador unique?
Thanks to its location in the center of the world, Ecuador concentrates the diversity of the
planet in a small territory, which is combined in the Andes Mountains, paradisiacal coasts, 
mysterious and deep Amazonian jungles and a unique treasure in the world that constitutes
a natural laboratory called Galapagos.
            10 ideas de Ecuador Megadiverso | ecuador, diversidad cultural para niños,  isla galapagos
Ecuador is considered one of the 12 megadiverse countries (with the greatest biological 
diversity). With its small size (0.17% of the size of the planet), it is home to 9.2 species per 
square kilometer, which makes it the country with the greatest biological diversity per unit 
area in the world.
"Ecuador is a megadiverse country due to a multiple combination of geographical and 
 geopolitical location, in addition to geological and topographic, climatic, rainfall and 
temperature characteristics, biological and evolutionary factors;under an incredible biological 
diversity, also classified as megadiversity." 
        Calaméo - Climas Del Ecuador 
Ecuador concentrates the diversity of the planet in a small territory, which is combined in the
Andes Mountains, paradisiacal coasts, mysterious and deep Amazonian jungles and a unique
treasure in the world that constitutes a natural laboratory called Galapagos. All these fairytale
places, in which a privileged fauna and flora develop, account for 10% of all the plant species
in the world.
Ecuador also has 8% of the animal species and 18% of the bird species on the planet.
Ecuador has 10% of all the plant species that exist in the planet. Of this percentage, the largest
amount grows in the Andes mountain range, in the northwestern area, where it is estimated 
that there are approximately 10 thousand species
Multicultural Ecuador

Ecuador is a plurinational and multicultural country where its population is constituted 
fundamentally by indigenous people, blacks, whites and mestizos; being this characteristic of 
ethnic heterogeneity which is its main cultural wealth.
Ecuadorian Lenguages
Castellano: Es la lengua oficial y la mas usada en Ecuador.
Shuar: Idioma oficial de relación intercultural.  
Awapit: es una lengua indígena de la familia lingüística barbacoana hablada en el sur de 
Colombia y norte de Ecuador. 
Epera: son una nacionalidad indígena que habitan en Ecuador, Colombia y Panamá. 
Anteriormente se les conocía como Épera en Ecuador.
T'safiki: es el nombre de una lengua de la familia barbacoana de la etnia aborigen conocida
como tsáchila en su propio idioma
Cha'palachii: es un lengua indígena hablada por un número significativo de cayapas del 
noroeste de Ecuador. 
Cofán: es una lengua indígena hablada en la franja fronteriza entre Ecuador y Colombia por los
miembros de la etnia cofán.
Achuar: El achuar, también conocido como shiwiar, jívaro y maina es una lengua jívara hablada
en las zonas de los ríos Pastaza y Bobonaza en Ecuador y la zona de Morona, Macusari, Tigre
Huallaga y Corrientes en Perú.
Quichua: Es una familia de idiomas originarios de los Andes peruanos que se extiende por la 
zona occidental de América del Sur a través de siete países.​
Quechua:  Es una familia de idiomas originarios de los Andes peruanos que se extiende por la
zona occidental de América del Sur a través de siete países.​
Siona:  Es un pueblo indígena que habita en las riberas del río Putumayo entre las este y el río
Putumayo, estrechamente relacionado con la lengua de los Secoya o Piojé del Ecuador 
Secoya: En la lengua originaria del pueblo Secoya, siecoya significa “río pintado de líneas de 
olor el estallido del conflicto entre Perú y Ecuador, los secoyas se refugiaron en las quebradas
Zapara: La lengua záparo o zápara es una lengua SOV que pertenece a la familia zaparoana.
Se halla extinta en Ecuador y en el Perú Los primeros contactos con la etnia zápara se 
produjeron en 1667
Wao: El huaorani o huao es una lengua aislada hablada en la región amazónica de Ecuador
por unos 1.200 indígenas huaorani. 
This extreme sport can be performed on walls made for this, which pretend to be the facade
of a mountain or perform in the open field climbing rocks, mountains and natural walls.
The ideal time would be summer, always protecting the skin from the sun.
It is the descent, mainly, through waterfalls and canyons using the basic technique of rappelling and
Wearing good safety gear including a helmet, harness, water repellent ropes, and
lifejacket; the footwear that is used is also a very important point.
It consists of sliding downstream through the fastest currents, trying not to turn over and
finding the best way. It is necessary to wear a protective helmet, life jacket,
a kind of special skirt at the waist, and an air bag so that the boat does not

It is surely one of the best ways to get in touch with nature and the coasts.
of Ecuador are a perfect place for this activity due to the variety of species that are
they can find.







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